Service door

Service door

Semi-insulating hinged door, used for technical areas, offices and toilettes.

  • Hinged
  • Semi-insulating
  • Blade thickness 40mm
  • Polyurethane density 40Kg/m³
  • Double blade version available



Mainly used in areas with a positive temperature (therefore T>0°C), in order to:

  • divide areas for the drugs processing, or areas for the blood processing and freezing, from the ones used as offices;
  • divide noisy areas (soundproof door) from the ones that must be deafened (for example in the hospitals);
  • divide cold areas (thermo-insulating door) from the ones used as offices;
  • divide projecting areas from the one used as offices, for example in the Communication and IT industry;
  • divide hygienic areas (toilettes, showers) from the dressing room.

Standard dimensions for one blade version

  • Up to 1500x2500mm.

Standard dimensions for two blades version

  • Up to 3000x2500mm
  • The two blades can have different widths, often the semi-fixed part is requested more little of the mobile one.


Foris Index srl
Via Marconi, 35
48017 Conselice (Ravenna)
Tel.: + 39 0545 89184


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