Complementary products

Air Curtain

Openable all-glass porthole - PVC frame

PVC stripes 200x2 - Fixed

PVC stripes 200x2 - Outside space application - Sliding type

Complementary products

Strip curtains

Clear PVC strip curtains in modular composition are designed for use in large cold store rooms, storage, refrigeration and distribution and in small stores where, for the high volume of pedestrian crossing and with a cart, you need a quick passage.

Due to its flexibility it adapts to the shape of the vehicle in transit by limiting the size of the opening, creating a “custom-cut” passage each time.
Is prevented, in this way, that, insects, dust, or exhaust gas from entering in the rooms.
Allow air-conditioned environment, having a considerable energy saving.

The flexible material is made made up of clear PVC strips and extremely rich of plasticizers additive to improve elasticity and flexibility even in low temperatures.
They are provided of modular PVC support, with 180° swing range, preventing breakage due the continuous flexing.


The portholes are suitable for applications on walls where you need an inspection activity.
Can be made in fixed or openable type, with different executions for different room temperatures, allowing to adapt the product to customer request.
Can be applied on room wall or on the door panel.

Fixed portholes are made up of wooden structure and different windowpanes depending on the temperature of the rooms.

Openable portholes are provided with an “all-glass” hatch made up of PVC frame upon stainless steel or fiberglass counterframe application.


Foris Index srl
Via Marconi, 35
48017 Conselice (Ravenna)
Tel.: + 39 0545 89184

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