Swing doors

Swing doors

Semi-insulating bidirectional hinged door, used to divide processing areas with an heavy passage of people and/or trolleys.

  • Hinged
  • Semi-insulating
  • Blade thickness 40mm
  • Polyurethane density 40Kg/m³
  • Double blade version available


  • Suitable to divide the processing areas (meat, milk, cheese, fruit preservation,…) from the ones used for the transit of people and/or trolleys (corridors) or from the dressing rooms and the toilettes.
  • Generally used at a positive temperature (therefore T>0°C).

Standard dimensions for one blade version

  • Up to 1200x2500mm: 2 hinges;
  • From 1200x2500mm up to 1500x2500mm: 3 hinges (2 upon and 1 below).

Standard dimensions for two blades version

  • Up to 3000x2500mm.



Foris Index srl
Via Marconi, 35
48017 Conselice (Ravenna)
Tel.: + 39 0545 89184
Email: forisindex@forisindex.it

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